Please watch for continuing updates and modifications to our protocol based on the changing landscape of this virus and its community impact.
With the upswing in infections, the questions/issues concerning vaccinations, and the increase in hospitalization numbers – we are officially putting our offices in Covid Protocol once again.
As of today, guests and consumers must be in masks while in our office. Since this is back to the initial Covid precaution, Ms. Nathalie will have masks at her desk. We will also have sanitizer at the front desk and will ask individuals to clean their hands coming and going.
At this point, we are not checking temperatures.
Staff – while directly working with consumers or guests, must wear face protection of some sort
Staff – while you are in your offices, you are not required to wear mask
2 Options: IF a consumer is directly exposed to Covid, they are to stay out of ESBA office for 14 days from the date they inform us. They must provide a cleared note from the doctor. Option 2 – IF a consumer is directly exposed to Covid, they are to stay out of ESBA office for 21 days from the date they inform us. At 21 days, no doctors’ approval is required.
As of today, guests and consumers must be in masks while in our clinic. Since this is back to the initial Covid precaution, Libby will have masks at her desk this week. We have a sanitizer at the front desk and will ask individuals to clean their hands coming and going.
At this point, we are not checking temperatures.
ESBA staff – you must always have protective mask or shield while working with consumers. You choose type.
Staff – it is your decision on the face protection required of your consumers. (understanding your need to see face)
2 Options: IF a consumer is directly exposed to Covid, they are to stay out of ESBA office for 14 days from the date they inform us. They must provide a cleared note from the doctor. Option 2 – IF a consumer is directly exposed to Covid, they are to stay out of ESBA office for 21 days from the date they inform us. At 21 days, no doctors’ approval is required.
If employees have not had vaccinations, they are mandated to wear a ma when interacting with consumers, families, and staff.
For a direct exposure – if employee is vaccinated, we will watch for symptoms and we will monitor situation. If employee is unvaccinated – he or she must be quarantined for 14 days and bring a doctor’s clearance to return to work.